WiFiQRCode - Generate Wi-Fi Network Config QR Code
最近在翻閱 ZXing 文件時,意外發現行動裝置可以掃描透過 QR Code 來加入 Wi-Fi。因此本篇就利用這個概念,透過 .NET Core 來實作一個可以以命令列產生 Wi-Fi Network Config QR Code 的 Console Application。
註:此方法目前僅適用於 Android, iOS 11+。
A command-line tool of generating Wi-Fi network config to QR code, which is based on .NET Core 2.1 ,ImageSharp and ZXing.Net.
Scanning QR Code to configure the device’s Wi-Fi only support Android and iOS 11+.
Environment Requires
Verify that after successful installation of .NET Core Runtime:
1 dotnet --version
File Structure
1 | ─┬─ Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll.dll |
Parameters Description
Parameter | Desciption | Options | Default Value | Required |
-a, –auth_type |
Wi-Fi authentication. | WEP/WPA/WPA2/nopass | WPA2 | yes |
-s, —ssid |
Wi-Fi SSID. | yes | ||
-p, —password |
Wi-Fi password. | |||
-h, —hidden |
Wi-Fi is hidden or not. | |||
-m, —mode |
Generate mode. | display/image/both | image | |
-it, —image_type |
The output image type, when mode is image/both. | bmp/gif/jpeg/jpg/png | png | |
-iw, —image_width |
The output image width, when mode is image/both. | value >= 41 | 200 | |
-ih, —image_height |
The output image height, when mode is image/both. | value >= 41 | 200 | |
-od, —output_dir |
The output directory, when mode is image/both. | Current directory |
Terminal | Image |
Display Wi-Fi QR Code on Terminal
1 | dotnet WiFiQRCode.dll --auth_type=WPA2 --ssid=example-qrcode --password=example-pass --mode=display |
Output Wi-Fi QR Code to BMP file
1 | dotnet WiFiQRCode.dll --auth_type=WPA2 --ssid=example-qrcode --password=example-pass --mode=image --image_type=bmp |
Output Wi-Fi QR Code to BMP file in parent directory
1 | dotnet WiFiQRCode.dll --auth_type=WPA2--ssid=example-qrcode --password=example-pass --mode=image --image_type=bmp --output_dir=../ |
Run application and enter each value
1 | dotnet WiFiQRCode.dll |